Kiwanis Demolition Derby Sept. 18
$1000 1st Prize
September 12, 2005
The Kootenai Kiwanis will be sponsoring their annual Kiwanis Demolition Derby in Libby on Sunday, September 18th at the Kootenai Kiwanis Park. This year’s event winners get trophies plus cash prizes, $1000 First Place, $500 2nd Place and $250 3rd Place. A Powder Puff Derby (all women welcome) and a Compact Car Heat will also be held. Heat winners get $40.
Demo Time starts at 1 pm on Sunday. Admission is $7 for adults to 12 years of age, $3 for children ages 6-11, and kids 5 and under free. Refreshments will be available starting at 10 am.
Entry forms can be picked up at Alpha Computers in Libby, 305 Main Ave or mailed to Kootenai Kiwanis, 305 Main Ave, Libby, MT 59923. For more information, call Don Smart at 406-293-1175 or All About Flowers 406-293-3950/1-866-723-2663.
There is a $40 entry fee, if paid before day of race. Entry fee is $60 on day of the race. Two pitmen are included, extra pitman $10 each. All cars must be in the pit by 11 am.
The Kootenai Kiwanis Park is located just north of Libby on the north side of the Kootenai River. Take Hwy 37 out of Libby across the Kootenai River bridge, turn left on Kootenai River Road just after crossing the bridge, travel ½ mile.