Libby Dam to reduce Kootenai discharge
August 17, 2005
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers plans to decrease discharge from Libby Dam Wednesday evening, August 17, from current outflow of approximately 19,000 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 16,500 cfs, according to Greg Hoffman, Fishery Biologist at Libby Dam. This flow will be maintained until about August 23/24, at which time discharge will decrease again.
A steady flow of 12,000 cfs beginning mid-week is modeled in order to draft Koocanusa Reservoir to elevation 2,439’ as per the NOAA-Fisheries Biological Opinion for mainstem Columbia River salmon recovery.
Another flow brief will be prepared when a specific day for the change in discharge is decided upon. Flows for the month of September are currently being discussed.