Libby Dam flows decrease to 12,000 cfs
August 22, 2005
The Corps of Engineers plans to decrease discharge from Libby Dam Wednesday evening, August 24, from current outflow of approximately 16,500 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 16,000 cfs. Flows are scheduled decrease from 16,000 cfs to 14,000 cfs on Thursday evening,August 25, and to 12,000 cfs on Friday evening, August 26. The flow reduction schedule meets biological ramping rate requirements.
Outflows are scheduled to remain at 12,000 cfs through the end of August in order to draft Koocanusa Reservoir to elevation 2,439’ as per the NOAA-Fisheries Biological Opinion for mainstem Columbia River salmon recovery. Flows for the month of September are currently being discussed.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Libby Dam, news release