The web site is a Visitor's Guide to Libby, Montana. Its purpose is to
provide quality information to people interested in either visiting Libby or learning
more about what the area has to offer. Our business link section has options for
display ads as well as text listings.
Display Ads - $300/year - Full
color, visible 24/7 to a world-wide audience
- Hot
links to e-mail and your web site from the business directory
- Text link to
your website from the front page
- Link
Ads are available ONLY to businesses who operate in Lincoln County
Business Directory ad dimension are 650 pixels across by 350 pixels tall.
We prefer that files be 25K or less in file size. You
do not need to have a web site of your own or e-mail to have a Business
Link on Listings are
alphabetical under each category and
run for
one year. There is no set up fee, but Business Directory listings must be paid
for by the year, in advance.
can have Links under multiple categories, each with different text and pictures.
Additional Link Ads are half price, $150/year. Multiple Links are a great way
to target specific audiences at a very economical price. For instance, an Outfitter
may wish to have a Link Ad on our Outfitters & Guides page to advertise their
hunting services, one under the Fishing page for fishing guide services, and one
under Snowmobiling for their winter activities.
Link Ads are a very economical form of advertising to reach an ever-growing audience,
24-hour a day, 7 days a week.
Ad Example:
(Customer designed ads must be prior approved and
meet dimension specifications. Ad file size must be less than 25K.)

offers free text-only listings to Lincoln County, Montana businesses and organizations
under our Business Directory category pages. Text listings have business name,
address, phone number, fax.
reserves the right to refuse free listings to businesses or entities we deem
inappropriate or objectionable.
Example 1
(basic contact info):
Libby RV Camp, 543 Any Street,
PO Box 6490, Libby, MT 59923, (406) 293-5555